Branding and interface design - Norges Kart

Branding and interface design for Norges Kart APP.
About APP
The map of Norway app for iPhone and iPad is the most detailed map of Norway. Map of Norway app is suitable for both hikers, tourists and city walkers.

Comprehensive, accurate maps of Norway are delivered by Kartverket
• Download map for offline use
• GPS navigation with auto-rotating map and compass
• Search for places and addresses
• Detailed trails for hiking, biking, and walking
• Accurate sea maps along the Norwegian coast
• Ad free experience
Norgeskart allows you to download any area to be viewed while offline. Simply zoom into your favourite area and click the "download" button in the bottom left corner. Norgeskart will download the area that is currently on your screen. You will be able to name your dowloaded areas, so you can easily organise them.