ISSA School Identity , Event and Web Design

Establishing School Identity and Website 2023
About the School
The Island School of Social Autonomy (ISSA) is a place that imagines, experiments with, and cultivates forms of knowledge production and sharing that go beyond traditional notions of education and its purpose.
ISSA school perceives social autonomy as the ability of individuals to function as cooperative group members, engaging in communal self-governance while being aware of the interconnectedness and interdependence of communities within broader networks (or archipelagoes) of human and non-human life-organization. Autonomy does not imply isolation but rather the ability to make autonomous decisions, through mechanisms of collective deliberation, about how to live together and take responsibility for caring for those that are not able to make them (children, non-human living worlds, etc.)
School aims to cultivate ways of living, learning, and teaching together.
Logo design

Custom designed logo typography with Inter font as a support typography

Event branding